Building Readers for Life 

Conference Speakers


Erika Ferrari Lopez

Session: Our Journey with Dyslexia: Finding Out, Finding Help, and Finding Hope

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Adrianne Meldrum

Session: Mathematics for All: Supporting Different Learning Profiles

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April Coggins

Session: Unlocking Potential: Nurturing Self-Esteem in Children with Dyslexia

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Carolyn Denton

Session: Teaching Students with ADHD and Reading Difficulties

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Cathleen Killeen-Pittman

Session: How to Support Children with Emotional Regulation Challenges at Home and in the Classroom

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Deb Morris

Session: Building Fluent Readers: Strategies for High School Students

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Hope Rigby-Wills

Session: Rinse and Repeat; Building Writing Confidence and Stamina via the Think, Plan, Write and Revise Process

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Janique Parrott-Gaffney

Session: Is it Wat, Wate, or Wait?: Making the Correct Vowel Spelling Stick

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Jennifer Mauser

Session: Supporting Students' Comprehension through Writing Instruction

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Katie Larew

Session: Building Student’s Executive Functioning Skills with Assistive Technology!

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Katie Takayanagi

Session: Multisensory Spelling with One-syllable, Multisyllabic, and Multiple Morpheme Words

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Latoya Watts

Session: Supporting MLLs, striving readers, and their families

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Leigh Buettler

Session: Reading Comprehension: What, Why, and How with Decodable Text

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Lisa Parnello

Session: Using Student Learning Profiles to Drive Instruction

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Nancy Young

Session: Climbing the Ladder of Reading and Writing: Meeting the Needs of ALL Learners

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Sydney Bassard

Session: Navigating the Path of Alphabet Learning Through Speech Sound Integration

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Speaker Bio, Session Description & Disclosure Statement